
ペルソナ5 ミュージック

ペルソナ5 ミュージック





Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There

歌手: Lyn(リン)
歌詞: Benjamin Franklin(ベンジャミン フランクリン) 
作曲:目黒将司(めぐろ しょうじ)

Who am I?

Am I not unique?

May be I’m not here at all
(もしかしたら ここに存在すらしていないのか)

Look, the fakers Blinding us with lies

The breakers of us all

Oh, it’s useless

What could it mean that we’re here?

Can we make a difference If we don’t break outa here?
(俺たちはなにか変えられるんじゃないのか ここから抜け出さずに何を変えられるっていうんだ?)

Wake up, get up, get out there
(目を醒ませ 立ち上がれ さぁ飛び出すんだ!)

Raise your voice against liars

Feed your anger like fire
(燃え盛る炎のように 怒りを滾らせろ)

Why does nobody want change?

Just imagine you’re out there
(思い描いて見ろよ そこから飛び出して行くことを)

Swatting lies in the making

Can’t move fast without breaking

If you hold on life won’t change
(しがみついてちゃ 何も変わりゃしないぜ?)

The fakers Are all sick at heart 

Their faces hiding their fear

They look down on All the rest of us

Like they’re some special breed

Who’s that high lord

Who thinks he’s better than us?

Ain’t it a crime, that?

Is there a mission for us?

Who is that high lord…

Who’d kill a million of us?

And as the bell tolls

Is there no remission for us?

Wake up, get up, get out there
(目を醒ませ 立ち上がれ さぁ飛び出すんだ!)

There’s more to life than their way

If you’d live you can not stay

Why does nobody want change?
(それなのに なぜ誰も現状を変えようとしない?)

Let your voices ring out, yeah

Take the mask off and be free
(仮面を剥ぎ取れ そして自由になるんだ)

Find yourself in the debris

If you hold on life won’t change

Wake up, get up, get out there
(目を醒ませ 立ち上がれ さぁ飛び出すんだ!)

Raise your voice against liars

Feed your anger like fire
(燃え盛る炎のように 怒りを滾らせろ)

Why does nobody want change?

Just imagine you’re out there
(思い描いて見ろよ そこから飛び出して行くことを)

Swatting lies in the making

Can’t move fast without breaking

If you hold on life won’t change
(しがみついてちゃ 人生何も変わりゃしないぜ?)




©ATLUS ©SEGA All rights reserved.

Colors Flying High

歌手: Lyn(リン)
歌詞: Benjamin Franklin(ベンジャミン フランクリン) 
作曲:目黒将司(めぐろ しょうじ)

Your flag, your alibi

Can you hide behind Claiming might is right?

Raise your fist to the sky

While below your bootsCommon men die

Colors fly

Tell us who to love and who to hate
(教えてくれ 俺たちは誰を愛し憎めばいいのか)

And by the by

Will the mem’ries of our morals fade?

Staying true To your own convictions in this haze
(貫き通すんだ この霞の中でも信念を)

Is harder to / Do than say

So choose a color to live by

Your goal, your faith, your virtue

Give it all

Be the best cause nothing less will do

You can rule the world with colors flying high

You know that if you stay true
(もちろん お前が信念を貫く場合の話だが)

Green or blue

Red or white

You can’t lose With your colors flying high
(負けることはないさ 自分の色を持っていればな)

What’s your aesthetics, ethics?

It’s not like mine

Not identical

We know we get a balance,

A common line

Or a hard fall

Colors rise

Tell us who to hate and who adore

And as you try To sort out what you’ve been fighting for
(それに 何の為に戦うのかをはっきりさせたいのなら)

Holding on To the line you drew into the sand
(掴んで離すんじゃない 砂の中に描いた自分の道を)

Will show them all Where you stand
(全て見せつけろ お前が立っているところを見せつけるんだ)

So choose your colors true and bright

As hero, liege or sinner

Give it all

Be the best cause nothing less will do

If you must go down with colors flying high
(もし負けてしまったとしても 自分の色を掲げていれば)

You know you’re still a winner

Pink or pale

Black as night

You can’t fail

With your colors flying high

So choose the color you will fly
(だから お前が羽ばたける色を選べ)

Fight on for your convictions

Give it all

Be the best cause nothing less will do

You can rule the world with colors flying high

Your genuine ignition

Green or blue

Red or white

You can’t lose With your colors flying high
(負けることはないさ お前の色を持っていればな)


ペルソナ5 ザ・ロイヤル(2019年)』のオープニング曲。


©ATLUS ©SEGA All rights reserved.

Life Will Change

歌手: Lyn(リン)
歌詞: Benjamin Franklin(ベンジャミン フランクリン) 
作曲:目黒将司(めぐろ しょうじ)

It’s not a game

I’m not a robot AI challenging you
(俺は「機械」や「AI」じゃ無いんだ お前に挑戦しているのさ)

I’m not a phantom

I’m in your face and

I’m here to see it through

Right before your eyes

Watch us multiply

Come to claim our right-it’s time
(予告上を叩きつけに来たぜ さぁ始まりだ)

As our power grows

Tryin’ to stop us shows

(You)Might as well go try’n stop time

So you know that we’re out there
(お前は知ることになる 俺たちが常識の外側に居ることを)

Swatting lies in the making

Can’t move fast without breaking

Can’t hold on or life won’t change

And our voices ring out, yeah

Took the mask off to feel free
(自由を謳歌する為 仮面を剥いだ)

Fought it out in the debris

Now we know that life will change
(今なら分かる 人生はいつだって変えられるのだと)

Ain’t it a shame

I’m not a figment of your ailing old mind

I’m just as real as
(よく見ろよ 俺は「本物」さ)

I’m just as dangerous

As you, so know you’ll find

A taste of your own meds

Fire in every breath
(言葉を吐く度 燃え盛り)

Fire inside your head, your heart
(欲望と心を 燃やし尽くす)

And as your crippled brain

Tries to fight in vain

Your empire will fall apart

And you’ll know we were out there
(知ることになるのさ 俺たちが常識の外側に居たことを)

Swatted lies in the making

Your empire for the taking

Can’t hold on or life won’t change

And our voices rang out, here

Took the mask off to feel free
(自由を謳歌する為 仮面を剥いだ)

Fought it out in the debris

Now we know that life will change
(今なら分かる 人生はいつだって変えられるのだと)



曲名は直訳すると「人生は変えられる」で、2022年に行われた公式の人気楽曲投票・『DJモルガナ ~ みんなで選ぶP5R毎日楽曲ランキング』では見事1位に輝いた。

©ATLUS ©SEGA All rights reserved.

Beneath the Mask

歌手: Lyn(リン)
歌詞:  Rike Schmalz(ライク シュマルツ) 
作曲:目黒将司(めぐろ しょうじ)

Where have you been?

Been searching all along

Came facing twilight on and on

Without a clue

Without a sign

Without grasping yet

The real question to be asked

Where have I been?

I’m a shape shifter

At Poe’s masquerade

Hiding both face and mind

All free for you to draw

I’m a shape shifter

What else should I be?

Please don’t take off my mask

Revealing dark

Moments of calm

Nothing left to be found

A mirror right in front of me

That’s where I find

An empty glass

Reflecting the sad truth

It’s telling words not to be told

I need the mask
(ああ やっぱり私には仮面が必要なのよ)

I’m a shape shifter

At Poe’s masquerade

Hiding both face and mind

All free for you to draw

I’m a shape sifter

Chained down to my core

Please don’t take off my mask

My place to hide

I can’t tell you

How to see me

Just a cage of bones

There’s nothing inside

Will it unleash me?

Burning down the walls

Is there a way For me to break?
(でも壊せる方法なんて… 本当にあるの?)

I’m a shape shifter

At Poe’s masquerade

Hiding both face and mind

All free for you to draw

I’m a shape shifter

Have no face to show

Please don’t take off my mask

My disguise




©ATLUS ©SEGA All rights reserved.

Last Surprise

歌手: Lyn(リン)
歌詞: Benjamin Franklin(ベンジャミン フランクリン) 
作曲:目黒将司(めぐろ しょうじ)

You try to run me through

Hold on

Think again

Don’t you know

What you’re starting

But…you sure ain’t got a clue

How bad

This will go

Don’t you know

Know my art
(見せてやるよ 俺の芸術を)
(Art of war)

And as you look to the horizon Not a cloud

But then stormy weather’s caught you cold

Seems like it crept up out of nowhere All around

You it’s not quite what you foretold

You’ll never see it coming

You’ll see that my mind is too fast for eyes
(おまえが目にするのは ”俺の心意気”とその”速さ”だけだ)

You’re done in

By the time it’s hit you, your last surprise
(もう遅い 俺の弾丸はお前を貫く それがお前の最後のサプライズさ)

You think you got your game

Planned out

To a T

Yet I’m two Step ahead yeah

So…you step into my way

Stand down

It’s a trap

One more step

And you’re dead
(Yeah you’re dead)

why just a picosecond ago Clear blue skies

But now lightning’s struck your last resolve
(今や嵐へと変わり お前の最後の決意さえ打ち砕く)

It’s not an accident that no one Hears your cries
(別にアクシデントってわけじゃ無い お前の泣き叫ぶ声を誰も聞いていないのは)

As your last strength seems to dissolve

You’ll never see it coming

You’ll see that my mind is too fast for eyes
(お前が目にするのは ”俺の心意気”とその”速さ”だけだ)

you’re done in

By the time it’s hit you, your last surprise
(もう遅い 俺の弾丸はお前を貫く それがお前の最後のサプライズだ)

I’m coming

For you

My game’s always so fast, so fine

You’re spun in

By the net you didn’t catch it in time
(そんなお前に 俺たちを捕らえることは出来ないのさ)

Better think

About your game

Are you sure

Your next move’s the right one for you?

Are you sure

You won’t get outmaneuvered again

And again my friend?
(なあ 友よ?)

You’ll never see it coming

You’ll see that my mind is too fast for eyes
(お前が目にするのは ”俺の心意気”とその”速さ”だけだ)

You’re done in

By the time it’s hit you, your last surprise
(もう遅い 俺の弾丸はお前を貫く それがお前の最後のサプライズさ)

I’m coming

For you

My game’s always so fast, so fine

You’re spun in

By the net you didn’t catch it in time
(そんなお前に 俺たちを捕らえることは出来ないのさ)


ペルソナ5(2016年)』、『ペルソナ5 ザ・ロイヤル(2019年)』の通常戦闘曲。



©ATLUS ©SEGA All rights reserved.

Take Over

歌手: Lyn(リン)
歌詞: Lotus Juice(ロータス ジュース) 
作曲:目黒将司(めぐろ しょうじ)

we’re rolling deep into your underground crib

thought I sent a prior notice card for you

we wanna make this party you don’t want to skip

gonna be a show to remember

Take Over! it’s time to boogie down
(頂戴する! お楽しみの時間だ)

Make Over! nothing’s gonna be the way you might like
(改心させてやる! もうお前の思い通りにはならないさ)

(it) was over when you started with us
(お前は詰んでいる 最初からな)

you should’ve thought twice

walked on thin ice

hey game’s over

Hey, it’s time to boogie down!

Hey, it’s time to boogie down!

Hey, it’s time to boogie down!

Hey, it’s time to boogie down!

you actually thought that you can get away with

skeletons in your closet? don’t think so
(よからぬことを隠してるんだろ? そうはさせないぜ)

we’re gonna reveal the truth out to the public

put your hands up, time to surrender

Take Over! it’s time to boogie down
(頂戴する! 準備はいいか)

Make Over! nothing’s gonna be the way you might like
(改心させてやる! もうお前の思い通りにはならないさ)

(it) was over when you started with us
(お前は詰んでいるんだ 最初からな)

you should’ve thought twice

walked on thin ice

hey game’s over

we do not live by your rules

dirty work

your ego has driven you out of truth

you only played yourself, got no game

serving you right

say your prayers now

Take Over! it’s time to boogie down
(頂戴する! 準備はいいか)

Make Over! nothing’s gonna be the way you might like
(改心させてやる! もうお前の思い通りにはならないさ)

(it) was over when you started with us
(お前は詰んでいるんだ 最初からな)

you should’ve thought twice

walked on thin ice

hey game’s over

Take Over! it’s time to boogie down
(頂戴する! お楽しみの時間だ)

Make Over! nothing’s gonna be the way you might like
(改心させてやる! もうお前の思い通りにはならないさ)

(it) was over when you started with us
(お前はもう詰んでいる 最初からな)

you should’ve thought twice

walked on thin ice

hey game’s over


ペルソナ5 ザ・ロイヤル(2019年)』からの曲。



©ATLUS ©SEGA All rights reserved.

The Whims of Fate

歌手: Lyn(リン)
歌詞: Benjamin Franklin(ベンジャミン フランクリン) 
作曲:目黒将司(めぐろ しょうじ)

Champagne flutes and

Dinner suits that

keep your focus

Away from the cheating hands

Tell me

Does that sexy

Gown say what she’s

Got in store for her man?

So we roll the dice,

See where they may fall

Come on, why don’t we spin the wheel
(さぁ来いよ ルーレットを回そうじゃないか)

See whom it may call

(To)Give into temptation

(To)Win it

(Or)Maybe lose it all

Who knows Where the whims of fate may lead us
(そんなことは誰にも分からない 運命が気まぐれに指し示す場所へと導かれるしかないのさ)

Chandeliers and

Decolletes that

keep your focus

Away from the cheating eyes

Tell me

What’s that bow tie

On the card guy

Tell you ‘bout his design

So we roll the dise,

See where they may fall

Come on, why don’t we spin the wheel
(さぁ来いよ ルーレットを回そうじゃないか)

See whom it may call

Give into another vice,

See where it might lead
(なら どうなるか見てやる)

Come on, let’s just enjoy the spice
(さあ来いよ そんな刺激も楽しんでやるさ)

(Of)Life and feel so free

(To)Give into temptation





©ATLUS ©SEGA All rights reserved.

Rivers In the Desert

歌手: Lyn(リン)
歌詞: Benjamin Franklin(ベンジャミン フランクリン) 
作曲:目黒将司(めぐろ しょうじ)

It’s now or it’s never, and I’ve got to
(それは始まりか あるいは終わりか)

Make my decision

This time it could be my moment
(この時こそが 俺にとって覚悟を決める瞬間なのかもな)

Is this a mirage or a chance to fulfill my mission?
(これは幻か? それとも俺の使命を果たすチャンスか?)

A river in a dry land

The last ace in a lost hand

A heartbeat for a tin man

Oasis in a singed land

I’m keeping the balance, but I’m standing
(心は平静を保ち続けている だが自覚しろ)

On razor’s edge now
(俺は今 ピンチだということを)

Move quick or my life is over
(一切無駄なく素早く行動しろ さもなくば全てが終わる)

One strike, just a feint, then///
(一撃を決めろ それはフェイントだがな)

I’m outa his field of vision

Don’t ask why I’m ready but I’m ready to
(準備ができてるかなんて尋ねるんじゃあ無い 万全さ)

Strike him down now

A chance at a new start

There’s no time for indecision

A river in a dry land

The last ace in a lost hand

When the hope of new beginnings burned our feet
(新たな始まりの希望が 俺たちを燃え上がらせる)

Now we need it:

A hearbeat for a tin man

An oasis in a singed land

Remind us what we’re here for:

Creating new life

Creating rivers in the desert

My heart is a furnace,

(It’s)Hot as hell in my world of conflict
(地獄のように熱い この戦いの世界で)

One goal is what keeps me going

Take back what I lost to…

The bosses of greed and fear, yeah

Don’t ask why I’m ready but I’m ready to take
(だから俺の調子をいちいち尋ねるんじゃあ無い 残念ながら万全さ)

Them down now

The time for a new start

Is constantly drawing nearer

A river in a dry land

The last ace in a lost hand

When the hope of new beginnings burned our feet
(新たな始まりの希望が 俺たちを燃え上がらせる)

Now we need it:

A heartbeat for a tin man

An oasis in a singed land

Remind us what we’re here for:

Creating new life

Creaitng rivers in the desert

When a cool drop of water’s all I need

Gotta clear my head of anger and greed

A place to refresh heart and mind,

Can I find

Some time in
(そう いつか)

Rivers in a dry land

The last ace in a lost hand

When the hope of new beginning burned our feet
(新たな始まりの希望が 俺たちを燃え上がらせる)

Now we need it:

A heartbeat for a tin man

An oasis in a singed land

Remind us what we’re here for:

Creating new life

Creating river in the desert





©ATLUS ©SEGA All rights reserved.

No More What Ifs

歌手: Lyn(リン)
歌詞: Lotus Juice(ロータス ジュース) 
作曲:目黒将司(めぐろ しょうじ)

people come and they go

some people may stay with you though

I am all alone tonight

and I kept on asking myself questions

Conceited I was at time

I never really doubted myself

But tonight got me thinking about it all

if I am the fool or what not

I do not regret with my choices I’m rather proud
(だけど 自分の選択に後悔なんてしていない それどころか誇りに思っている)

ooh yet I know I won’t change anything
(あぁ分かってる 僕には何も変えられないって)

because I can only be me so
(だって僕は僕でしかないのだから そうだろう?)

How can I be so sure?

at a crossroads I’m afraid too
(人生の岐路に立つときには 僕だって怖くなる)

But I can’t let fear get the best of me

Someone once said burn my dread babe
(誰かが言っていたよ そんな恐怖は燃やしてしまえって)

Who knows what tomorrow holds?

just wanna live my life the way I want

what fills up my soul is passionate music

that makes me want to sing

my story will be starring me just like yours ooh ooh
(僕の人生の物語の主役は僕だ 君の物語がそうであるように)

who knows when will it end

what matters most is how you bring joy to life so
(1番大事なのは どうやってこの人生を楽しむかだ そうだろう?)


ペルソナ5 ザ・ロイヤル(2019年)』からの曲で、吉祥寺のジャズクラブで流れる。



©ATLUS ©SEGA All rights reserved.

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